Preconception and Connection:
monthly gatherings for future mothers

Held at The Village Collective,
Central Coast, NSW

Conscious Preconception:

To proactively prepare your body and your being for pregnancy, well before conception.

This includes nourishing your body physically and bringing awareness to your mind, emotions, relationships and spiritual wellbeing, in order to optimise the outcomes for you and your child, through birth and beyond.

When it comes to pregnancy and birth,
you know in your bones that you can’t go with the status quo.

(you beautiful rebel you!)

You are the kind of person who wants to be prepared.
Like, read all the books and scroll through all of the Instagram pages kinda prepared.

Well, you’ve landed in the right place!

That kind of prepared means getting ready well in advance - as in well before conception.

It’s exactly what the preconception time is for!

The earlier you start, the more time you have to prepare your body

This is the time for you to come home to yourself.
When you get to start working through your shit and preparing your body so that when it comes time to conceive, even if that is years away, you can feel a little bit more ready knowing you’ve done your best to support you and your baby’s health!

(and how crazy that in this world that is NOT the norm?!)

We used to be surrounded by birth from a young age. Attending births, growing up experiencing a community raising children, witnessing out mothers, our grandmothers, our aunties supporting their kin.
We were more involved with helping to raise our blooded and non-blooded sisters, and supporting them through their postpartum period. We used to witness pregnancy before it began and as babies grew in the womb. So we got to experience the beauty of this whole process from an early age.

But nowadays this is much less common.

Sometimes your first initiation into this space is when you fall pregnant and find yourselves with 10 months to learn everything there is and go through this wonderful transformation into motherhood!

These gatherings are for the women who want to get back to that community. And where you learn and prepare for pregnancy and birth, long before you even conceive.

We are also living in a time where there are so many more things that are impacting on your fertility (for you and your partner).

You’ve probably seen it in the rise of PCOS, endo, period pain, unexplained infertility diagnosis, IVF treatments… the list goes on.

You may have even experienced these personally (sending you big love if so!)

And yet you haven’t been educated on all of the things that you can do to support your body and your cycles and your hormones. (It’s not your fault by the way, there is a massive gap in our education system and medical system when it comes to this.)

These gatherings are the space for you to cut through the crap online to learn what works best for your cycles and hormones, so that when the time comes to conceive you are less likely to hit those roadbumps!

Oh and not only is this going to set you up for greater success when it comes to creating, carrying and birthing your baby - it’s also going to make your periods beforehand a breeze!

I get it (because I am on this journey right with you)
Some days you feel bloody terrified… but those butterflies in your chest are also ones of excitement at the thought of being a mum some day.

And you want to be the best mum you can be!! (how could you not?!)

Well the process to becoming her starts here and now.

Let’s get you connected back to yourself and your village. It’s time for you to be healthy and happy for yourself AND your future babies!


Saturdays, 10am-12.30pm

10th August (Cyclical Living)

28th September (Fertility Awareness)

12th October (Healthy Hormones)

9th November (Pelvic Floor Health)

7th December (Body Connection)

These Preconception and Connection Gatherings are your space to be held as you come home to your body and prepare for pregnancy, whether that’s 3 months or 3 years away.


Sign up for the year and get 2 months free!


Sign up for the year and get 2 months free! πŸ”₯

β€œLiz is a gorgeous bundle of information and care,
she delivers education without overwhelm and with so much patience.

I wouldn’t trust the process of reconnecting with myself, my body and my cycle with anyone else”



  • The feel: cosy women's circle, a chance to meet other beautiful women, tasty snacks, warm tea, candles. Basically all the things to nourish your nervous system and get you feeling SAFE!

    Each month we will connect and go through a different topic relating to your health, your hormones and preparing your body for motherhood. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and to share what comes up for you, these might be challenges, wins, past experiences. This is your time for you!

  • Nope! This is your space to prepare for the journey to motherhood, whether that's 3 months from now or 3 years from now (or longer).

    In fact you are very welcome even if you aren't sure that you want to have a baby! The wisdom and connection you gain are still going to have a massive benefit to your cycles and hormones and life!

  • Of course you are very welcome!
    The wisdom and connection you will gain are still going to have a massive benefit to your cycles, hormones and life!

    *I can't guarantee that you won't get clucky haha

  • Of course!
    And how freaking magical that you want to get yourself back in connection to your body well in advance. It's only going to help your hormones and your cycles, and ultimately help you find the right partner who is in alignment with this too!

  • OF COURSE!! While my intention is that this space exists for you to have ongoing support (from me, the different themes and forming community) THERE IS ABSOLUTELY ZERO PRESSURE to attend them all. Lean into your body and your womb and come along to the ones that you want too!

  • HECK NO!!
    Each of these workshops has a standalone theme, so you can come to one or come to some or come to all. While my intention is that this space exists for you to have ongoing support (from me, the different themes and forming community) THERE IS ABSOLUTELY ZERO PRESSURE to attend them all. Lean into your body and your womb and come along to the ones that you want too!

  • Send them my way via email
    Or drop into my insta DMs HERE

Get to know your host!

Hey gorgeous, I’m Liz!

Menstrual Cycle Health Practitioner and Fertility Awareness Educator

While working with women over the last 5 years to support their cycles, I have spoken to many people experiencing infertility and recurrent miscarriages, and I have continued to see the statistics of people experiencing this rising.

The grief that comes with this is devastating.
And I don’t want that heartbreak for you!

What is also concerning is that there are BIG pieces of education missing when it comes to fertility, pregnancy and hormonal health. So many people aren't aware of the key habits that are going to help with achieving and maintaining a pregnancy, and having a healthy happy baby!

As I embarks on my own conscious preconception journey, I have birthed these gatherings from a desire to cultivate a beautiful community of women who are on this same journey and to share this education so that you can be ready for pregnancy long before you conceive.

Let's co-create your village!!


Bringing back the village.

A space for mothers-to-be, mothers and supporters of mothers

It takes a village to raise a Mother. We were never meant to do this alone.

Throughout history, the knowledge of motherhood was imparted to us by our community. Across generations, we were supported and nurtured by our predecessors. The wisdom flowed from grandmother to mother to daughter. In societies of the past, we observed the tender care given to infants and children from early on. These observations shaped our understanding and influenced how we raised our own children.

The Village Collective is your space to cultivate that once more. To bring back the community on your journey to motherhood, from preconception through to postpartum support. Everything you need is under the one roof.